The spoken word performance that I chose to analyze was performed by a youtuber known as Sulibreezy titled “Why I hate School but Love Education”. When I first heard it I came to realization that society really brainwashes us. Society brainwashes us to believe that if we go to university and get a degree, we will live less stressful lives and become successful individuals and we be considered “educated” individuals. However what is the meaning of educated? Do you have to go university receive a degree to be considered educated? When you think about it going to school doesn’t make you educated, sure you learn some things here and there but doesn’t make you educated. A majority of things I “learned” in high school were facts that I temporarily memorized in order to pass a test or exam. In addition after I completed those test and exams, I simply forgot everything I memorized. In addition a degree doesn’t guarantee you a less stressful life or success. In the end a degree is just piece of paper you frame and mount on your wall for everyone to see. It’s a great achievement but what is it to you when you die, nothing. Look at Steve Jobs, his net worth is $7 billion; he didn’t graduate from a prestigious institution. However when he died look at what he left. A great legacy. He did all that without a degree. Now I believe education is what information you acquire. For example look at Michael Jackson, he was very educated man. Educated in music and dance, and his legacy lives on today. Education is something you excel and you feel confident sharing it with other individuals. Another example would be Malcolm X, he was a drop out, but look at what at Malcolm X has done. Look at all his accomplishments. He did all that without degree. Making the decision to receive a post secondary education isn’t wrong at all, but you should be doing it for you. Not for society, not for mom and dad but for you. Do it because you have vision, a dream for yourself because in the end, no one is living your life but you.
In conclusion I believe what made this piece effective
because the performer really got his point across by making examples of very
well known individuals. Not only has that he also used accurate facts,
statistics and life experiences to back up his argument. I also enjoyed how at
some moments in the performance he used clever rhyme schemes
But these days, can you really get along without a degree? Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Malcolm X were all in their prime much longer ago, where education wasn't always everything, and the struggles were much different. These days, a lot of places won't offer you a specialized job without a Master's, forget a Bachelor's. You can't forget that these people are exceptions to a rule and managed to make their fame despite the odds stacked against them, but they are not the majority. If you decline to take some sort of post-secondary training, chances are you'll land a job that pays less than your more educated counterpart. This ranting is, in my opinion, a bunch of disgruntled students trying to "oppose the system".