Monday, 18 November 2013

The Innocent Criminal
I’m buried chest high
My arms are tied so I can’t stop the stones that fly
Or hug my children that stand near by
Teary-eyed they watch me die

Tears stream down my face
Every towns member survey me in disgrace
I lower my head but not in shame
Because I’m not the one to blame

I persistently denied the crime
Not even equivalent to a man, my testimony’s cheap
There is no he said she said
Only he said

This crime of passion
A blood lust old as the Koran
From Allah’s book it all began
From Allah book it will all conclude
Like the life we lead

I’m buried chest high
My hands are tied so I can’t stop the stones the fly
The final stone is thrown by own my flesh and blood
The pain didn’t kill me
But the hatred forcibly engraved in his heart
By religious sheep did

I close my eyes and drift away
No more suffering
No more pain

1 comment:

  1. I really love this. It is really powerful. I like how you showed the different standards that men and women are held to. One statement is held true while the other is dismissed without a thought. It is disgusting that this is how people are often treated, as though they are the criminals despite never doing anything wrong. I think you were able to convey a strong message in this poem. Well done.
